Epiphany LA is currently embarking upon a "Racial IQ" series of learning, reflection, discussion, and action. We want Epiphany LA to be a place where we not only celebrate and enjoy the cultural diversity of our members, but fight for the recognition of the inherent dignity and worth of our Black members and other members of color. This means going to war against the lies of white supremacy that not only oppress them, but threaten their very lives. If we are to be God’s “ministers of reconciliation” in a broken world (2 Cor 5:18), we must first “start at home” and begin the process of putting to death these lies, which social conditioning teaches us and the selfishness of our flesh clings tightly to. The only way we can be truly vulnerable with one another as we walk side-by-side in discipleship is if these lies of white supremacy are exposed and addressed in our own hearts first.

Phase 1 of this process will center the wellbeing of our Black Leaders and members at this time. For our Black members, this will mean ensuring their emotional and mental health needs are met. For our non-Black members, this will mean engaging in personal reflection and learning focused specifically on the experience of Black people in America and how each of us interacts with anti-Blackness. We do this for several important reasons, namely:

  • Our nation's original sin of slavery and the four centuries of oppression since are central to our understanding of not only our Black members’ experience in this country, but the way non-Black people of color and white people engage with them and the injustices they face presently.

  • During this global moment of profound reflection on the ways in which Black Americans are denied basic human rights - the very right to life - we have a duty as the church to expose and uproot the anti-Blackness that our nation’s dominant culture teaches us.

  • Our location within what has historically been the Black cultural center of Los Angeles, paired with the fact that our congregation is over 50% Black, compels us to work toward greater solidarity with the community where we live, worship, and serve.

Phase 2 is still in development, and will engage our entire church community. Our discussions will encompass every layer of ethnic diversity that we encounter within our congregation and in our city. This is where we will explore the experiences of racism that our Latino/a and Asian members have experienced, as well as work to understand the complex racial history of Los Angeles.

If you hae any questions please email us at admin@epiphanyla.org or call 323-402-4820.



Even in this season where we may be apart physically, the power of community is that we can still stay connected! No matter where you are right now—whether in your home, in LA or beyond—we would love to connect with you throughout the week! Our Sunday Gatherings  are live every Sunday at 11AM where you can tune in from your home. We have opportunities to join for Zoom Communities, Friday morning prayer, and Sunday morning prayer (every week), 10:30am on Zoom and more. See below to find out what’s happening!


Sunday Gatherings at 11am

Join us this Sunday from your home for our online church experience 


Online Zoom Communities

No matter where you are in the ciyy you can still connect to a Online during the week.


Friday Morning Prayer

We would love to pray with you and be in touch to support you with any prayer requests you have.


Sunday Morning Prayer

We would love to hear of any prayers answered and celebrate with you in all God has done in your life!

Support Others: Community Care

One of the most important things that we can do during this challenging time of social distancing is to support and care for one another. If you are experiencing financial hardship due to the impact of COVID-19, please reach out to care@epiphanyla.org to discuss the various ways in which we can be a support to you.